Teacher: Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch
The course started on July 4th, 2021.
These are the recorded lessons uploaded to the site.
Course Objectives:
Understanding the rules and laws associated with the prayer according to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
What is a prayer? Where does the need to pray come from? What is a simple prayer, a prayer from the heart, and what are the rules that apply to it? What is a prayer from the prayer book? The origin and history of the ancient Hebrew prayer book.
The course will be based on the principles of the doctrine of prayer according to the Zohar, the writings of the Arizal (Rabbi Isaac Lurie), the RaShaSh, the RaMHaL and the Hasidic teachings.
Course Content:
The course consists of the thirteen following topics:
Why should we pray? How do you pray? What are the purposes of prayer and what are the rules that apply to it? The history of the Hebrew Prayer Book and its development.
The structure of prayer as a reflection of the structure of the higher worlds.
Understanding the different parts of the Hebrew prayer book.
Studying the Kavanot (meditations) of the various prayers.
Kavanot of the special topics of: Ana BeKoa’ah, Shema Yisrael, The Scilent Prayer, prayers for healing, livelihood, spiritual development and more.
The various prayers for weekdays, Shaharit, Minha, Arvit and Bedtime Shema and more.
The various blessings, their meaning, their use and their Kavanot.
The course will be based on the prayer book “Zichron David” for the weekdays, Shabbat and holidays with the Kavanot according to the Kabbalah.
The course will focus on the Kavanot and teachings of the Zohar and of The Arizal.