THE LIVE KABBALAH COURSE – level 3 – Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual Coaching
Based on ‘The Path of the Just’ by The RAMHAL, the Zohar, Rabbi Isaac Lurie & other great Kabbalistic works
Teacher: Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch
Course opening date:
Sunday, 11 Shevat 5785, Feb. 9, 2025
Sundays, 6:45pm Jerusalem time, 11:45am EST, 9:45am MT/Mexico City, 8:45 PST
The video recordings will be available for members only, together with the course materials.
Place: on ZOOM
30 sessions
Cost: Donation of your choice (min. 28$ monthly donation)
Members of The Live Kabbalah Membership Plan are automatically enrolled to the course without the need to register and pay additionally.
The course will be broadcast live on Zoom.
The links will be sent regularly to all those registered for the course.
The recordings will be sent to registrants by email and WhatsApp, the recordings will be uploaded to the course website.
How to Register?:
1. Make a donation using one of the links below↓
2. Send: 1. the record of your donation, 2. your contact information (name, last name, mobile phone number, email) to +972-52-880-6068
3. Add this number of ‘Live Kabbalah’ to your contacts to receive the messages, links, updates, and the rest of the study material.
For registration: +972-52-880-6068 or [email protected]
THE LIVE KABBALAH COURSE – level 3 – Spiritual Coaching
This course is a life-transforming coure that is focusing on a weekly coaching meeting that will enhance your life!
Living Kabbalah is a complex technique. The course is a practical way to apply the most important rules for a successful life with Kabbalah. Each lesson combines theory with practice, workshops and meditations. During the course, your life will be enhanced and improved. You will learn how to apply the principles of Kabbalah in your life and build a system of habits for many years.
The course is based on the the Book – The Path of the Just by the RAMHAL (Rabbi Moshe Haim Luzzatto), the Zohar, the writings of the Ari, Rabbi Haim Vital and other Kabbalistic works.
The course is intended for graduates of the Kabbalah Level 1 Course
Course topics:
1. The Gate of Unity – the gate to spiritual growth and personal development, the rules for continuous spiritual work. The basic laws of life. How to achieve success? Eternal life and connection to the light. The power of the community as a spiritual tool.
2. The Gate of Love – relationships, partnerships, love as the most important tool for growth. Tools for learning the technique for love.
3. The Gate of Forgiveness – forgiveness as a tool for true liberation. The cleansing of the soul and the opening of blockages depends on forgiveness. Where can we get the strength to forgive?
4. The Gate of Pride – The good ego and the bad ego, you can’t do without them. The derivatives of pride: anger and rudeness and how to deal with them.
5. The Gate of Darkness, Fear and Pain – Fear and pain are the true gates of correction. How do you turn the energy of fear and pain into constructive energy?
6. The Gate of Giving – Giving as a tool and technique for building the flow of abundance, bliss and good fortune
7. The Gate of Joy, Happiness and Enthusiasm – The energy of joy and enthusiasm as a source for opening blockages, creating miracles and changing luck – how do you create joy and enthusiasm instead of sitting and waiting for them in vain?
8. The Gate of Success – What are the important tools of success? Basic daily techniques for success.
9. The Gate of Faith and Certainty – Faith and Certainty – Are We Born with Them or Do We Build Them? Laws, Principles and Exercises
10. The Gate of Hasidut – Becoming a Spiritual Being – Rules, Exercises and Meditations.