June 17, 2020

Ground Rules for Beehive Groups


A Beehive meeting is designed to connect the participants to The Light, to assist them in reaching for the consciousness of adhering to the Creator. This awareness guides the whole Beehive experience. The goal of the participants is to stick to their desire to connect to The Light and to use the Beehive coaching group as a source of mutual support in order to achieve that goal.

Adherence to the Creator is a state of total awareness where the participant acknowledges and declares his desire to connect to the infinite Light of the creator, eternally. To achieve this stage of adherence to the Creator, the participant must transform his “selfish desire to receive” to an altruistic awareness and a willingness to engage in the consciousness of unconditional love. Only with the support of the other members of the Beehive, can this be achieved.


The purpose of the Beehive Meetings is to create a space where the participants can support each other in their spiritual development. This is only possible with the knowing and willing support of the other participants. “Going it alone” consciousness cannot bring one to more elevated states of learning, growth and fulfillment. This type of growth/change requires great effort and concentration.  To this end, participants pledge to do their utmost to support one another knowing that a “helping hand from above” is always there as their partner to guide them on this most honorable and elevating journey. It is to be accepted that each participant member is equally important and that equal time, care and love be given to each individual in the group. The main benefit of this relationship is that Beehive participants will support each other in order to enable each member to manifest their spiritual development.

General Communication Between Beehive Participants

All communication between participants must come from a place of love, support, patience, tolerance, light and the faith in each participant’s realization of their highest potential and their ability to reach their highest peak of enlightenment.

There is an answer to every question and a solution to every problem.  Beehive participants accept that these answers come from The Light and with this in mind, every participant’s needs can be addressed knowing that the source of the answers they seek come from The Light. With the love and support of their friends, Beehive participants can solve problems quicker, grow faster, climb to new heights sooner, than if they were on their own.

  1. It is not necessary to put pressure on a participant to solve a problem. Beehive participants accept that with their focus and energies pooled together, that a leap of consciousness will occur, with The Light, and the “right” answer will materialize.
  2. The participants are not to give advice to one another during meeting time. No counseling of any kind is to take place with regards to psychological, business, family, relationship issues etc., during meeting time.
  3. Beehive participants are however, to direct and guide one another to connecting to The Light, with the understanding that the knowledge and wisdom they need in order to solve problems and move on, will come from this place.

Beehive participants acknowledge that no one in the Hive is perfect and everyone is striving to reach the goal of connecting to The Light. Each member takes responsibility to identify any act, or speech that does detract the participants from connecting to The Light. With love and sensitivity, the goal is to always redirect participants back to connecting to The Light and this should take the place of the counseling mentioned above.

Rules of Communication

When a Beehive is actively working, participants do everything they can to keep foremost in their mind that they must talk from their heart and express all feelings from a true and authentic place.

This authenticity will encourage all group members to stay sharp, on their toes, and ready and open to let others in the group know when they are not being authentic. Authenticity is the key to a cohesive, growing, and fulfilled group.

A Question that is a Gift

The only way a Beehive participant is allowed to question, or point out inaccuracy, or inauthentic comment/direction of another participant is to ask a question which will redirect the member to his/her original commitment to the Beehive, which is to connect to The Light. The question must be asked in such a way that the other participant feels honored, and that it is possible within the confines of the group to find his/her own answers without judgment and to be secure in the knowledge that the group believes 100% in his/her ability to come to the best conclusion for his/her growth. The purpose of questioning another Beehive participant is to help him/her to understand the emotions and feelings that may be leading the participant away from The Light. To help the participant to come to terms with these feelings and to take responsibility for moving back in a direction that will once more connect him/her to The Light.


It is recommended that every Beehive Group has a mentor/guide/leader that is a member of another Beehive and is recommended by them as a trustworthy leader. After few months of membership in a Beehive Group, the group and their leader can recommend members as leaders/founders of new Beehive Groups.

Rules of Privacy

A person’s privacy is his right, his home is his castle. Being a Beehive participant does not mean members have to share the most intimate and personal details of their life. The goal is to encourage participants to share the minimal details within the context of reconnecting to The Light. Be careful not to create a voyeuristic atmosphere, i.e., “I’ve shared with you, now you tell me your secrets.” Beehive members will have emotions that can sometimes be big, scary and intense, it is the group’s responsibility to reconnect to the reason they are there, to connect to The Light, to connect to a bigger picture and help each other to make sense out of things within that context. Whatever is said in a Beehive meeting stays in that meeting. A Beehive is a sacred space where members can feel loyal, secure and safe with one another. “Personal stories” are not to be shared outside of the Beehive. It is the responsibility of each member of the group to stay on task and to gently remind one another to stay focused on the subject of the meeting.

Sensitivity to Others

The Power generated from the intimacy of the group can create energetic and volatile situations.  This is normal when people from different walks of life converge. Also, certain people are more open than others. A sense of security and trust takes time to build. It is the duty of each member to respect the sensitivities of each member religiously. Know whom you can give a hug to and know who is more physically reserved. Respect each other’s boundaries and tell each other when a boundary has been crossed. The most successful Beehives are the ones that all members are able to openly communicate their needs and know that the group will work the conflict or need through to the end, with a solution that is equitable to all.

If you want to join a Beehive in your neighborhood or open a new one please write to:

[email protected]


About Kabbalah Communities

Our Vision

What is a Beehive?

Ground Rules for Beehive Groups