Live Kabbalah Membership Program on Zoom



Click here for course program

with Rabbi Shaul Youdkevitch

Join our yearly membership program

36$ monthly

Follow the instructions below and you will receive the Zoom links for the ongoing courses.

In addition you will get access to courses that are recorded and are available online for members:

The program includes all courses on this page and the course program that will follow.

Course list for Members:

Kabbalah Level 1 – The Inner World of the Kabbalist

Kabbalah, Level 2 – Reincarnation & The Personal Correction Course

The Advanced Zohar Study

Rosh Hodesh & Astrology Study

The Kabbalistic Holidays Study

The Kabbalistic Prayer Course

The Health & Healing Course

Spiritual Business Course

Introductory Lectures to Kabbalah

Tree of Life – The Study of the Ten Sephirot (Talmud Eser HaSephirot) Vol. I

Intro to Rav Ashlag’s Legacy

It is possible to buy more courses online, separately, on Live Kabbalah University.

For Membership Registration:

Make a monthly donation of 36$ or more (See the options below) and send us your mail address and phone number to +972-52-880-6068 or mail to [email protected].

Add Live Kabbalah number +972-52-880-6068 to your contact list.

You will receive the Zoom links and the recording of the lessons via the mail address and phone number that you send.

The class schedule is in Jerusalem Time.

All courses will be recorded and the links will be send to the members.

The videos will be available on YouTube for our members only.


For US residents only (For residents of non-US countries scroll further down):

Tax ID 90-042-2614 for Federal Tax purposes.

This site and our activities are sponsored by people like you.

If you would like to support the website or other activities, there are several ways to do so, as follows:

Online donations:

To use your credit card:

Donate with Stripe:



Donate with PayPal:


To wire your donation:

Wells Fargo, 420 Montgomery st. San Francisco, CA 94104

Account Number: 1612182376

Routing: 121000248

Universal Kabbalah Communities Inc.


For more information mail us to: [email protected]

To donate by phone using a credit card, you can call us:

From Israel: 052-8806068

From other countries: +972-52-8806068


For a tax-free donation for residents of Canada:

Use JGive

For a tax-free donation for residents of the UK:

Use JGive

For residents Israel & other countries:

To use your credit card, your PayPal account or an electronic check (eCheck) click here:

Donations for our Israeli Non-Profit – Live Kabbalah Tax I.D


Live Kabbalah has a tax exampt status for Israeli residents (סעיף 46)

For PayPal a payment/Donation:


For Israeli residents: You can use

Paybox to our number: 052-880-6068


For Israeli CC payments



For a direct wire into the account –

Live Kabbalah

Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot – 20,  Branch 417, Geulah, Jerusalem

Account # 556252

Bank Phone: 076-8040170


Account #:  417-556252


Free classes for all!:

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